DDP Wrasslin Wednesday rant about what happen behind the scenes
In this blog I go off on a rant about what happened behind the scenes of the interviews that lead up till the first match [...]
DDP goes off on a video Rant about being a Warrior!
In this Rant I talk about what it takes to be a Warrior...
71 year old man Kicks DDP’s A$$
Watch 71 year old Ted Evans as he attempts to Take Down DDP in his own game the 10 second YRG Warrior push up... This [...]
Disabled Veteran Arthur Boorman Walks again… They are calling Arthur the Greatest Transformation in Fitness History
Watch Arthur Boorman's amazing journey -- filmed and edited by his 19-year-old son Warren -- as he sets a goal to walk again and to [...]
Kevin Palmer does YRG in Japan… Sweet!
Team YRG member teaching YRG in Japan speaking Japanese... I know most of you won't care all that much but this was very cool for [...]