03.26.2007 | |||||||||||
Hey Cutters…
I’m gonna be starting off each email with a different video clip that we have posted on YOUTUBE… if you would go by and check it out and give us a rating (and you better make it a good one… just kidding) and a comment. I would really appreciate it… and of course you can send it off to your friends if you thinks they would like it… The first clip I am sending out is my favorite… it is from the filming of the YRG workout where I get challenged to do 10 seconds pushups contest by Ted Evans… Btw this clip is entitled 71 year old man kicks DDP’s A$$… this YOUTUBE clip is must… to really appreciate it… watch it to the end to hear Ted’s comments… totally Classic… To watch the Challenged hit this… CONTEST NOTE: Want to hang out with Diamond Dallas Page and get fit Here’s your chance. If you’re in the LA area send an e-mail to: X@AM570RADIO.COM Tell us why you should com in-studio to meet Diamond Dallas Page and learn his new program the THE YRG WORKOUT program Yoga For Regular Guys/GALS. We are taking all entries through March 23rd. 3 lucky names will be picked and the winners will be brought in-studio to meet DDP and have him personally introduce you to his YRG program.
I stayed close with the Page’s for a few years and then an unfortunate accident happened and their mom died… of course it was the hardest on the family… I did what I could to help the Page’s out but my schedule got crazy and I lost touch with one of my favorite families that started as fans and became friends. Well that all changed when Angella got an email from Tyler some time last month. Tyler had written Angella on her myspace account… myspace… funny right… I would find out later that he saw Angella’s picture and read her story on the Transformations section of our YRGworkout.com site … Tyler had also read one of these emails that I send out to UDC members (Union of Diamond Cutters) Team YRG and you and realized that Angella and I were together… so he sent me an email though her and asked her if she would forward his message on to me which obviously she did… Tyler wrote me a very thoughtful email letting me know just how much he appreciated having me in his and his family’s life… It was very powerful… It just goes to show you never really know how much you touch someone’s lives until it comes full circle… Now all the Page’s are back together again and we are all doing YRG… Talk about a great way to bond with your family… I will keep you posted on their progress.
Last week I was in Atlanta and while I was there I stopped by Deep South Championship Wrestling to see my good buddy and mentor Jody Hamilton … Jody was the first to ever believe in me as a wrestler and he knew before anybody that I had IT because he worked on top for 30 years as Assassin # 1 … Jody drew HUGE money… while I was there I spoke to about 30 of the boys about how important it is to keep a positive attitude as they continue their journey to try to get to the show and about how important work ethic was… Afterward we all got a YRG workout in which a lot them really dug… they have a lot of talent down there in Deep South Championship Wrestling… If you’re in the Atlanta area check it out … Keep and eye on G-Rilla and Bradley Jay their Champion right now… both of these two young men have IT … I will enjoy watching their careers grow as time goes on … After Atlanta I was off to Charlottesville Virginia to do a speaking gig for the kids from Piedmont Virginia Community College. The young man who brought me in was Danny Waylon. I very respect nice young man. I came in the night before and the next morning Danny and I were up 6:30 am to do a round of radio shows and some TV. After that it was breakfast and off to PVCC. Now PVCC is a small school so I wasn’t expecting much of a crowd. I was basically speaking in a lounge area that the kids hang out in before going to the next class … you could call it half lounge half hallway… lol… So I have this 20 minute speech ready expecting maybe 5 or 6 kids to talk to. When I get out there I see a little more than a hundred scattered in the seats and bunches hanging in the halls… immediately I switch to the as long as they are listening I’m going to inspire them mode… I believe it was my best speaking gig so far… It lasted a little over a hour with a Q and A to follow. All in all it was a great experience and I even got some great email send to my site the next day so I know there were a few people moved to action… One would be a woman named Valerie but I’ll keep you posted on her.
Wrestling note… did any on catch TNA’s last PPV… all I can say is you missed the Championship match with Champ Christian Cage and Samoa Joe… GET THAT PPV and WATCH THAT MATCH … SPECTACULAR !!! I actually jumped out of my seat on the finish…
Team YRG note… Each week I’m gonna bring you one or two members of Team YRG and give you an update as to where they are and how they are doing… the thing I love the most about what I’m doing right now is getting to watch so many of my close personal friends of mind inspiring other people that they have never met… Like Smokey and Terri two of the original members of Team YRG… they have been the inspiration for two great stories I’m going to share with you… don’t worry this is the short version…
This Linda the mother of my God daughters on day one of her journey she was 248 lbs… Now I have known Linda since she was SMOKING HOT bartender for me 25 years ago… Like a lot of single moms Linda basically gave up her life to raise her two beautiful daughters… but finally Linda is back on track to Own her Life as well and since she has started the YRG workout and has been doing Dr. Fred Bisci’s eating lifestyle called food combining (notice I didn’t say DIET because diet’s don’t work) in one month has lost 22 lbs the healthy way… Fred’s way… pictures below… Terri has been her inspiration…
The next is a guy named Arthur who I never even knew was alive until about two months ago. I first met Arthur because he answered an email that I send out to any and everyone who buys any of the YRG workouts. In the email I welcome them to Team YRG and ask them if they mind answering 12 questions. I could tell by his emails that Arthur just might need a little more than just the YRG workout to truly Own his Life. So I asked him to send me some pictures to be sure… Below are the before and 30 day after pictures… to see more you going to have to go to the site and trust me you want to see them because they are unbelievable. When I saw Arthur I knew he needed more than just DDP and YRG so I sent him Dr. Fred Bisci eating program and Arthur took to that eating style like duck to water. Arthur started at 5’9” 297 lbs… the truth is Arthur was so inspired by what Smokey had done before him that he took his YRG workout to the next level. Arthur set a goal to eat exactly the way Dr. Fred says and do the YRG 50+ every morning… that’s right every morning … 7 days a week… the last two weeks he has actually done YRG 5 nights a week as well… What a YRG Warrior… Talk about inspiration combined with work ethic… As you will see from the pictures on my site Arthur has his limitations… but that’s today… You see Arthur doesn’t believe in excuses… his motto is “I WILL WALK AGAIN”… now that’s strong… he told me today that over this last month he has fallen down so many times… but to quote DDP it is not how many times you fall down that counts it how many times you get up that matters… everyday Arthur gets back up and modifies his YRG 50+ and now the Fountain of Youth (yes he does them both now) … he modifies the YRG workout where ever needed so that he can get that much closer to not having to use those damn canes anymore to help himself walk around… Arthur will make you believe there are NO EXCUSES…???
I wanted you to see the beginning of the their journey with DDP and YRG because this is only the beginning.
Hollywood note… went by to see co-star Reilly Smith and his band play last Friday night check pictures on site.
Stay Strong… D. Dallas Page