08.22.2007 | |
Hey Cutters…
Terry was a MANS … MAN! He had been Bruce Springsteen’s right hand man for the last 20 plus years and a big brother to me for over 30 years. The first time I actually met Terry, he was literally throwing me out of the Riptide bar… actually that’s how I was introduced to Terry the first 3 times. At the time, I was 18 and he picked me up and threw me out of the bar like I was a 5 year old on 3 separate occasions. Terry was a former Navy Seal and a big bad ass looking dude back then. As he tossed me on my ass the last time he said “Page… I don’t ever want to see you back here again… Got it”… he was pissed… The following weekend I started working at my first night club as a bouncer at Art Stock’s Royal Manor. A week later, I summoned up to courage and went back to apologize to Terry, and I said “I’m sorry, bro, I get it now” … lol It seems so funny now. He smiled, and when Terry cracked a smile it meant something. Terry liked most people but if he didn’t … you knew it… you always knew where you stood with him. He knew I got it, invited me back in the bar, and even bought me a drink. He said to me as I was leaving the Riptide that night, “I don’t expect that I’ll be throwing you out again… right?” …And he was right. Terry would become a mentor and an inspiration to me. He was a total man of character, but he just wasn’t an inspiration to just me, he was also one to Bam Bam Bigelow, as well. Both being from the Jersey Shore, I have known Bam Bam since he was 16 years old. Terry was so proud of the both of us and what we accomplished in our lives. Before Bam Bam and I actually ended up working together in WCW, we would often meet up at one of the many Bruce Springsteen concerts that Terry got us invited to and it was always the Red Carpet treatment for me and everyone I brought with me. Hell, I didn’t even have to be there… Whenever I would ask Terry to hook up one or six of my friends he always treated them like family. The first match I ever had in the Meadowlands, Terry was there and he was there at the Garden for one of my last. That first match in the Meadowlands I got my ass beat all over the building but Terry was still proud as Hell. I believe he Another buddy of mine that recently passed away was Brian Adams and it really to took me by surprise. There are guys in the business that I came up with that partied hardy. I have also known guys that were addicted to pain killers and muscle relaxers in and out of the ring, but the Brian that I knew did not fall into either of these categories. The Brian Adams I knew was one of the funniest guys in the business. Now I know he may have not have come across like that on TV but trust me…he was one funny SOB. Brian was quiet a story teller, as well. The thing I loved the most about him was when he used to impersonate this Japanese wrestler named Tiger (can’t remember his last name)… Tiger spoke with a broken Japanese accent but as Brian would say it was like he thought he was an Italian gangster and talked that way…that’s funny by itself. I never met Tiger but being around Brian for so many years… I felt like I knew him. For that reason I used to always call Brian… Tiger. Brian would tell countless stories about him impersonating Tiger and calling the boys on the phone and cutting promos which would get Tiger a ton of heat. Tiger never knew it was Brian causing him all this havoc, it was always Brian playing a rib! The last time I saw Brian he was at WrestleReunion in Tampa. He was a good Bro and I will miss many things about him… most of all his easy going humor and the conversations I would have with Tyger… God Bless you bro, I’m gonna miss you.
On top of that, I just finishing putting together our deal for the YRG infomercials. YRG Workout LLC. has partnered up with Paramedia which is a division of Warner Brothers and In Clover who knows the infomercial business inside and out. We also are now working with Nina Resnikoff who has become known as the Infomercial Queen. She produced many of Tony Robbins’ infomercials which is great for me because I now see DDP the brand as Tony Robbins meets Jack Lalanne meets Ozzy F’n Osbourne. If you go to YRGWorkout.com and hit the See the Results section you will see that we have Team YRG members that have gotten unbelievable results. Out of the hundreds of Team YRG members what we have, most are men…which is great because no other workout has this many men who get and keep track of their results. I know there are many of you women achieving results with YRG out there as well. If you want to be a member of Team YRG or want the opportunity to be considered to be part of our YRG infomercial then I want to hear from you. Whether you have been doing YRG for 6 months or just starting the program… Contact me NOW at … … I want to know what your results are with the YRG workout. Speaking of AMAZING RESULTS, YRG team member 48 years old Arthur Boorman lost 100 pounds in 6 months with YRG. 16 year old Dylan is down 45 pounds in 2 months and 28 year old Big Rob who just started with Team YRG at 476 pounds is down 36 lbs pounds in 30 days…and the funniest part is that Yoga Doc, Kim and I did not develop the YRG program to help people lose weight. YRG was developed for the Warrior… YRG is the best low impact, high cardio workout that builds core strength and increases flexibility on the planet…that helps all Warriors hold back the hands of time… that it helps people lose drastic amounts of weight is a sweet extra benefit…
Driftwood will be coming out on DVD is November 13th… I play a character named Captain Doug Kennedy who runs an attitude adjustment camp for kids. The Captain is not a very nice guy. This is a movie I have a huge part in and is by far the best work I have ever done. CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW …AND BE THE FIRST TO SEE TIM SULLIVAN’S MUCH ANTICIPATED FOLLOW-UP TO 2001 MANIACS STARRING RAVIV ULLMAN, DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE AND TALAN TORRIERO. SPREAD THE WORD AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS- DRIFTWOOD IS FINALLY HERE! I’
As usual it has been your pleasure… As well as mine… Get Healthy… Stay Strong… Be Unstoppable and Do your YRG or else!
D. Dallas Page